Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Eli has been drawing sea serpents for the last day or two and would like for each of you to vote for your favorite (the names are on each picture).

Last week he drew 20 jet planes. Once he gets his mind on something, he can spend hours drawing, coloring and making up names--it is great!


Rebekah said...

I love them all, but I think my vote is for Elecriclub. I like his colors and his cool club tail!

Rebekah said...

Caro Eli,
il mio preferito e'sicuramente ELMIS :) ma penso che sei stato bravissimo a disegnare tutti quei serpenti ed ero indecisa sinceramente su quale fosse il piu'bello!!
Spero di vedere presto altri tuoi disegni qui.
Serena :*

jenifer said...

i have to vote for elecriclub also... great color, scarey teeth and a vicious tail...
aunt jen

jenifer said...

Hey Eli, it's Jakob. I like your batman vador the best, I don't know why I just like how it looks. I'll see you next month. Good job drawing.

Rachel Ure said...

tayson likes "tiger" and rachel likes "genis" they are very cool! thanks for sharing

Team said...

Make that three votes for Elecriclub...he is very cool!

Daddy David said...

Well, I think they'd all be somewhat intimidating if I met them in the ocean some morning, but my favorite of the bunch is definitely ELECTRICLUB!!
Yo Pa

Josh said...

i want to know if Eli, would draw one facing the other direction for me!! he can call it Inverticus.....

Von and Maureen said...

I vote Spylin! I know that I would be scared if I saw any of those sea creatures!! I get stuck on drawing things as well but its usually hearts or circles.. not as cool at all! :)

Von and Maureen said...

I like Great Blue because I think his black fangs are very scary!!!! and I like his smooth pretty blue body. Good job Eli!! love you Grandma

Annie and Jake Callister said...

I like Genis. I like how cramped he looks. Great job Eli!