Friday, May 16, 2008

Learn A Little About David and Rebekah

David says:

*I think I am boring.
*I think there's nothing as refreshing as a new perspective.
*Happiness to me is making my wife laugh.
*Food does things to me.
*True balance in life cannot be achieved without volleyball.
*"Will you play with me?" is something I say as often as my kids do.
*There are striking similarities between my forehead and the side of a barn.
*My wife thinks I'm a nerd, and she's usually right.
*Sometimes I feel like the bug that just hit my windshield.
*Few things excite me more than my pillow.
*I think you can tell a lot about a person by the way they drive.
*I want to get my private pilot's license.
*Seeing my family after work is normally my favorite time of the day.
*I wish that staring up into my piano teacher's nostrils hadn't made me quit.
*I'm so tired of shaving.
*I have a horrible memory...wait, what did I just say?
*I wish my wife was more competitive.
*I sometimes wonder if the 6-fingered man was teased as a child.
*I'm scared to try the splits.

Rebekah says:

*I love to talk.
*In the past few years I've come to really love the color pink (never claimed to like it as a little girl).
*I like to chew light pink Extra sugar free gum (satisfies my cravings for sweets, sometimes).
*I hate the smell of wet Peanut Butter.
*One of the most common adjectives used to describe me is "cheesy" (what? me?)
*I call my husband "Mr. Poppins" because I think he is practically perfect in every way.
*I hate seeing chewed gum.
*Songs have a powerful affect on me (make me swoon, cry, dance, or even find joy in dishes--excluding the peanut butter knives).
*My dream is to live on a working farm.
*I love the smell of rain, and especially of wet soil.
*I hate being hot!
*I love musicals.
*I'm not a real romantic.
*My favorite actor is probably Dick Van Dyke.
*I love to talk.
*I get a kick out of watching Lawrence Welk--warm fuzzy memories from my Grandma Callister's house.
*I'm a fairy-tale nut!!
*I love being smothered in boys .
*I get many of my decorating ideas from cartoons.
*If I had a cute waist I would definitely tie an adorable apron on and go 50s retro most of the time--love that look.
*I really want to join a square-dancing league in the future! So fun!!
*I prefer passengering to driving.
*I often make up my own versions of words (like passengering above).
*I really have to restrain myself in a children's book store.
*If David puts me on speaker-phone, I'm likely to burst into song.
*I miss Walmart and Target.
*I love to buy cute sheets.
*I've learned never to say, "never"
I could never live far away from family!
I could never home-school my kids!
I could never nurse my child until they are 6 (ha, ha! Got ya there, eh?)
*I will probably let my hair go gray naturally (love my mom's).
*When I become that lady, you know the odd one I'm referring to, remember how fun and cute I used to be! hee, hee
*I'm grateful for some modern advancements, but don't like some automatic or computerized things (If the world goes robot-maid, it will be too much for me--those cute little disk floor vacs that go on their own really creep me out).
*I love to talk.
*I have a hard time staying awake through an evening movie at home.
*I can't handle a movie or book that doesn't have a happy ending--it takes me a long time to get over the funk it puts me in.
*The hardest times in my life have been those without phone connection (okay, maybe not the hardest, but very close!).
*I got good grades in Junior High, High school, and college, but I feel very unknowledgable (is that a word?).
*I think parenthood is all about being humbled, and not worrying what others think about you-- you just have to follow your heart.
*When I make a simple mistake it's just life, but when David does it, it's hysterical. Sorry honey.
*David thinks I may be addicted to dark chocolate--I love my 70% chocolate bar (any more cocoa and it's too bland, any less, and even I have to admit it's candy!).
*I love the smell of baby lotion, and am known to use the baby-lotion trick--no time or energy for the baby's bath? Just put some lotion on, smile, and listen to all the, "oh, don't you just love that baby smell!" comments you'll get!
*I didn't start out intending to only use Bible names for my children (my parents had already done that).
*I took piano lessons for 10 years, but I don't play well enough to do much with it.
*The only French I remember from school is the first part of The Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. flag--not of much use, eh?
*I'm not a perfectionist--this is my talent (it makes life much easier, believe me!).
*I'm not competative.

*I hate misquitos and ticks!
*The only things I can bring myself to kill are misquitos and ticks. All other critters are either left alone or moved to a preferrable location.
*I'm a doodler--hearts, flowers, swirls, my name, any phrase that pops into my head, ...
*Did I mention I love to talk?


Rachel Ure said...

very, very funny. David had me cracking up big time. david, "trying" the slits is not that scary- being forced into them would be very scary. and i new there was a reason i loved your forehead ( i really love barns). Rebekah- your "wet peanut butter" comment was so odd to me until i read how you hate cleaning peanut butter knifes. I was thinking- why is here peanut butter wet? how is it getting wet? how weird. now i get it. ( i really hate cleaning peanut butter knives- i wipe them clean with a paper towel so i don't have to deal with the sticky residue)

Annie and Jake Callister said...

O.k Becky... the 6 years nursing cracked me up so much!!! I'm still chuckling :)

I thought the exact same thing Rachel did. I even voiced that same question to jake,"Is their peanut butter wetter than our's in Italy?"

David, I wish Jake was more competitive too! Von and Maureen must have breed this into all their kids because not one of the Callisters seem really competitive. Maybe Josh a little bit. Anyway, we'll have to find something that will let us release our competitive frustrations elsewhere. Good luck with that!

Love you all!


Josh said...

i had avoided peanut-butter for like 10 years because of that very thing. then one day i decided to make a peanut butter sandwich for my kids and i ate one as well, and dang it i really liked it!! i never remember really liking it that much, but wow it was good. on a side note, i grew up always wondering about the villains in movies ie. the six fingered man and wondering what made them go bad. as for the 'callister boys' not being competitive, i think it was ingrained from dad who is a closet competitive person but wants everybody to have fun and will never play up to his capability unless he is losing, then watch out!

Josh said...

oh... and annie really needs to sit in on a Callister brothers ping-pong match, dice game, any board game, trivial pursuit,wheelbarrow races, rook, or biggest splash from a rock contest...whew now there is some competitive contests!!

Von and Maureen said...

Von is very competitive!!!! He just is good at not making a fuss if he loses. He had to be competitive growing up or not survive. Hey I love these little information lists. David you crack me up!!!! I love fyou just the way you are so don't you ever change. Becky I think I knew every one of the things on your list, and they are exactly what makes you so much fun to be with and to TALK to. love you all Mom

Jilene said...

It's so fun to see that someone else in the Moss clan has a blog! Love the fun pictures--so creative. It's fun to be able to see what you guys are up to while you are so far away. I'm sure it's been a great adventure. :)

jenifer said...

Todd here, NOT Jen (this time).

Loved the comments from you both. And yes, Dave, I agree about the barn thing and your head. I guess that since I'm your bro my head must be the same (minus the girth and receding hairline). ;-) Can't wait to see you guys in August!

Now my 5 minute break from studying is done . . .