Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Yes, David is getting old!

I just thought I would let you all see how he looked in years past (this is him at the age of each of our children--
6 months, 3 1/2, 7, and 9).
Isn't he cute?!

I can see some of him in all of my kids, but especially in Adam. It is so strange to think that they will one day be 33 years old themselves!

We celebrated his birthday running around a bit with kids' school programs and such. Of course, we did find time to sing a few rousing renditions of Happy Birthday! He had an ice cream cake and received more David Attenborough DVDs (birds and mammels) from us.

He and Eli had gone the day before to a cool place called Skypark. They will post some pictures and tell you all about it soon.

We love you Daddy!


Rachel Ure said...

each picture has characteristics of the child at the same age! happy birthday!

Josh said...

Happy Birthday my brother!! The double threes! quite an accomplishment, may you enjoy the fourth year of your third decade, with prosperity, perception, perspiration, and no perscriptions.

Von and Maureen said...

David, Happy Birthday! I love the pictures and must say that the boys look so much like you. I always thought that Adam was you, but it looks like the others are as well. We love you!! mom

Annie and Jake Callister said...

Happy Birthday David!

You were pretty cute as a kid... what happened? Whatever it is, it happened to me too. Seriously though, you are almost in your mid thirties... maybe you are (I think its your decision). Anyway, congrats for surviving this long...especially as a US spy. Oh wait, no your working the *wink "Italian Airforce" *wink. (I see right through it Dave.... Italy doesn't have an Airforce....)
Hope you have another great year!!


jenifer said...

Adam is definitly David, and I think that Isaac has his nose. Soo cute. Love you guys! Hope you had a great birthday dave!

Dinger said...

Oh my gosh!!! I found you!!! I have goggle you a few times, but I have never been able to find your family until today!!!! You are so cute!! What a fun mom you are! Your family pictures are so cute! It looks like you have a wild and crazy time in Italy. Is that where you still are?? I hope you are doing well. I am going to link you to my blog so I can check up on you and what your family is doing!! Love Ya!