Wednesday, April 23, 2008

A little snippet of our March

March was great, but I didn't have the blog up yet, so I decided to rewind a bit and share a couple fun pics from last month.

Adam turned 7 March 11th and wanted cowboy clothes for his birthday. Thanks to G&G Moss, and Aunt Jen (who shopped for me in Texas), he ended up all decked out and happy as can be! Doesn't he look great?!

Later in March we headed to Napoli (Naples). We got to climb a volcano (Vesuvio), and visit the ancient city of Pompei.

The hike up Vesuvio was cold, but it was cool to look into the mouth and see how high we were above the city. It is still an active volcano, so the boys were a bit concerned that it might blow--they were very disappointed not to see lava when they got to the top.

Pompei was really neat. It is a city which was buried in ash over a thousand years ago when Vesuvio blew. The kids favorite part was seeing the "dead people" (there are real casts of some of the bodies in the position they were in when they died). Otherwise, it was just a large rocky playscape to them.


Rachel Ure said...

i have always wanted to see pompei! SOO cool. Your little snippet was pretty amazing.

Leslie said...

I am SO glad that you are taking the time with your family to see the local sights! You are creating happy memories!

Josh said...

it is funny, i was just talking about Pompei with somebody, ( i say somebody because i cannot remember who it was, though it was an in depth conversation. i even had to show caleb where it was on the globe). i promised him that when we make our extended trip to Italy, we will see the "ash mummies". i am so glad you are blogging now, it is truly a cool way to keep in touch with everybody! my little sister in cyberspace!

Von and Maureen said...

I want to go there next time we come. That is so my thing!!! mom

Annie and Jake Callister said...

Yeah me too! I have always been fascinated by Pompei. So crazy. What a weird way to die.

YEAH! Lets all go to Pompei(and those caves)!